Launching V Toolkit

Under Project EMOTION, CONRAD and IDEO developed a comprehensive HCD intervention toolkit ("Launching V") that details how the designs from projects Kalahari and Siyavala can be implemented in a public clinic.  This is a user-centric, do-it-yourself resource for healthcare workers and other implementers, with sections describing the project story and methodology, including a summary of how the strategic blueprint and associated designs were developed; insights derived from the previous field research; blueprint journey maps for healthcare providers and users showing the intervention components; high level description of how to deploy/adapt the intervention blueprint; descriptions of all the intervention components, including a cost analysis and organizational recommendations; and an asset library with design files for the intervention components (CAD, illustrator, etc. as appropriate).  The intervention components include newly developed provider and patient conversation tools built on principles and tone of HCD, such as guiding materials for HCPs on how to talk to patients and materials for HCPs to give patients, all of which are downloadable from the Launching V webpage. Written copy for daily recurring adherence messages that can be delivered by text or other digital platform are also available on the Launching V webpages.

In addition, the Launching V materials include a cost of goods analysis for the starter kits, Information Education Communication (IEC) materials, and other production elements.


What's Next?

V will be launched in PEPFAR's Zimbabwe oral PrEP program in 2019, building on a multi-stakeholder partnership approach:

-->USAID's human-centered design consortium will adapt and implement V;

-->USAID will support its  Zimbabwe service delivery partners to lead the on-the-ground integration of V into existing oral PrEP programs;

-->USAID & its procurement partners will procure the V starter kits’ procurement and assess the feasibility of product packaging innovations in PEPFAR;

-->USAID will oversee coordination across all stakeholders, and support a learning agenda to support further rollout in PEPFAR countries and an understanding of V's cost, feasibility of implementation and impact on oral PrEP program performance. 


If you are interested in learning more or partnering on launching V in Zimbabwe, please contact


For general information about V, email us at


NOTE: Users of downloaded assets/materials from this website imprinted with the V trademark must provide attribution, indicating that V is a trademark of CONRAD and was developed with USAID funding.   For a non-exclusive license to the V mark and to create derivative works, please contact us at 



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